

Amerck brings you the best out of the box software solutions customized per your operation

Hello we are,
Team Amerck

Amerck Technologies is an innovative Software design and development company that believes in next generation solutions.


The Goods

Health care solutions

Fullstack patient doctor relationship that can facilitate from single doctor to a large hospital systems.

Fullstack retail

POS, Accounting, Payroll, Inventory, HRM.

Mobile Apps

We expert in developing Android and Iphone apps according to industrial standards and best practices.

Web development

A successful web site begins with careful planning and hard work that will ensure a rewarding user experience.

Software Solutions

Talk to us our experts are capable of delivering technology solutions to improve your operational efficiencies that reduces y our capital and overheads.

Innovations Lab

Brians tirelessly at work enjoying doing what they do to revolutionize ordinary things in extraordinary manner.

our team

The best team ever!

Dumeen Abeywickrama

Founder & CEO

Sajith Udurawana

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Shanika Fernando

HR Manager

Nisal Jinadasa

Technical Lead

Anushka Sandeepa

Senior Engineer

Sahan Rojitha

Project Manager

Sachini Peris

Software Engineer

Nuwan Nimesha

UI/UX Engineer

Arjun Perera

UI/UX Engineer

Client see

Our Main Clients
